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We heard you’d like to be one of the first to get a look inside the brand-new Virtual Rehab Center, so here you go! Sign up below and we’ll let you know when we’re ready for you to join.

What is the Virtual Rehab Center exactly?

It’s a place where you can organize all your patients and their treatment plans, accessible from any device with a web browser.

A place where you can carry out evidence-based treatments for language and cognition and get recommendations on what to do next.

It’s a place where you can easily craft SMART goals for any disorder and then assign and track progress on homework for your patients – at no charge to them.

And it’s a place that’s also HIPAA-compliant, customizable, and frequently updated, not to mention person-centered, functional, and adaptive!

This incredible place was created for you by a clinician-owned company you already know and trust.

Introducing the Tactus Virtual Rehab Center. Your all-in-one online solution for adult medical speech pathology.

It will save you time, help you feel more confident, and optimize outcomes for your patients.

We invite you to try it for yourself for FREE for 21 days. Sign up for the waitlist above to get your invitation.

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Earn 30 min of professional development hours by watching our ASHA presentation about the Virtual Rehab Center to better understand the problems it was designed to solve and get an in-depth tour. (May disappear offline at any time.)

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